Monday, February 8, 2010

Professional Development and Continuing Education

In the current job market, it pays to stay sharp so that you can show your value as an employee to your employer.  First comes the hiring freezes and then the actual layoffs.  With that in mind, SMU Cox offers several programs to help you keep those skills sharp or get some new ones.

Business Intelligence Certificate Program - This is a graduate level certificate that covers data mining from an application agnostic stance.  If you want to relate with your customers better, this will give you the tools to do it.

Graduate Finance Certificate Program - Again this is a graduate level certificate but this time it's in Finance.  This will help you brush up those financial skills like understanding financial markets, financial statement analysis, international corporate finance, insurance and risk management, investment anomalies, and funding company growth.  

Graduate Marketing Certificate - This graduate level certificate program will either freshen up your marketing skills or let you pick up some new ones.  The emphasis here is on current trends in marketing as taught by our award-winning faculty.  

Starting A Business - Unsure how to write a business plan?  What does all this funding terminology mean?  How do I analyze the competition?  Get answers to all this and more in this course.